Wishing you all a very happy, healthy and peaceful 2025
Angie ❤️
At the start of each January when I write a budget for the forthcoming year, we resolve to spend less on food for January to give us a bit of recovery time from the expense of Christmas. This year, 2025, it's a necessity to re-jig the whole budget because:
I'm fed up with Christmas now and want to pack it all away until next year. Christmas day at our daughter's house was lovely. The meal was delicious and we left around 8.30pm to drive home in the fog and mizzle.
Boxing day here was a repeat but I cooked salmon instead of turkey. Our Granddaughter was working so there were just 5 of us. We took turns playing Connect 4 board game until 5pm when our Granddaughter arrived (she was supposed to let us know when she was on her way 😟), she was absolutely starving and very tired. What ensued was a mad rush to put the oven on once again and prepare food, mainly ham baps, salad stuff and hot nibbles which everyone wolfed down..... mainly whilst standing 😳 not at all the quiet relaxing tea I had planned. Granddaughter then nodded off to sleep on the sofa draped in a blanket. She slept for almost an hour, took a shower, washed her hair, put on clean clothes and then drove herself and her brother home 😏
So much for a traditional get together. At least I got a big hug and a thank you from her.
I have a suspicion that next year might be completely different as I can feel a shift from traditions of the past, which I love, to the modern trend away from family gatherings now the kids are grown. I felt quite saddened really which is why I want Christmas gone. I think I need to pack away the decorations as soon as possible and move my thoughts on to plans for the new year.....
We won't be celebrating New Year as I usually like to go to bed early and wake up to a fresh new year quietly.....
I feel a challenge coming on 😁😎
Thanks for popping in. I know how busy it is at this time of year.
Stay safe and well wherever you happen to be.
Angie 💗
Almost there! Only one day to go!
Yesterday, I finished my ironing so that washing and ironing baskets will be totally empty for almost a week. I'll be popping a bit of washing on during the Peak Save time on Sunday next, although it will probably just be towels. I'll have extra because I always put small guest towels out for any visitors and my Granddaughter might enjoy a bath once she finishes work on Boxing Day and comes to join us 😂 I must remind her to bring clean clothes !
Talking about clothes, I haven't bought anything new for Christmas. We never go out to celebrate Christmas other than to our Daughter's house on Christmas Day and I have a new'ish jumper with stars on which will be fine. I have succumbed to new underwear from M & S (one bra and a pack of knickers) so I'll be fine if I'm run over by a bus 🙄😂 When I was ironing I noticed how shabby some of my T shirts and PJ's are and Graham has actual HOLES in his PJ tops so I hope Santa has noticed and brings him a new one ! Gray has loads of day clothes he never wears so he'll be fine for another year. Me, on the other hand, I wear everything I own all year round so might need to factor in a small clothing allowance for 2025. Watch this space!
Have you splashed the cash for new party clothes this year?
Thanks for popping in and stay safe and well wherever you happen to be,
We were over the moon the other day when we saw an unusual visitor to the bird feeding station. We didn't recognise it at first but Google showed it to be a Nuthatch which made sense as he was hanging upside down on the peanut container and having a right old feast. I do hope we see him again soon.....
We popped to Sainsburys this afternoon to see if the cheap veg had arrived. It had :
2kg Osprey white potatoes
1kg carrots
500g parsnips
500g sprouts
All at 15p each. All in the photo above cost me 75p.....
I bought another bag of potatoes for my daughter, as everything was being snapped up and I think the shelves will be pretty empty by closing time tonight. I'm sure they will be replenished but I didn't want to be greedy so I just took one pack of each (apart from spuds) to make sure everyone gets a chance to grab a bargain. If there are any left by the weekend I might grab some more carrots and parsnips. There were also red cabbages on offer at 15p each but I left those.
The thing I felt most sad about is that these wonderful offers are for Nectar card holders only, which certainly will exclude some people. I expect Morrisons, Asda, and Aldi will follow suit with the cheaper price exclusively for card holders 😞
However....I just read that LIDL veg will be 9p and no loyalty card needed!!
Hats off to LIDL!!
Did you manage to get any?
Thanks for popping in, and stay safe and well wherever you happen to be,
I didn't think I'd be saying this so soon but Graham is no longer working.......again.
The garden centre took on a 16 year old lad a couple of weeks ago in the same department, and on Sunday Gray was told he was no longer required. Now, as Gray was on minimum wage of £11.44 per hr and the lad is on the under 18's wage of £6.40 per hr, I think that says it all 😢
'Nuff said....
So we are back to plan A and another financial re-jig. I think I will hang onto my car for another year as planned, then let it go. Its not really worth much money, so if I sold it now there wouldn't be an awful lot to put in the bank. It would be counter productive. Oh well, best laid plans and all that.......
Our energy supplier, British Gas, has sent me an email asking if I want to participate in a Green Flex Saver event tonight. Can a duck swim? 😃 So, yes, tonight between 9pm and 11pm we will get half price electricity which means: half price TV drama, half price mugs of tea, half price load of washing, and half price dishwashing ! Yay! In the words of a famous supermarket 'every little helps' 😁
Thanks for popping in and stay safe and well wherever you happen to be,
Angie 💗
What have you been up to lately?
Have you begun celebrating yet?
Thanks for popping in and stay safe and well wherever you happen to be,
Angie ❤️
My trusty little VW Fox went in for its annual MOT on Tuesday. I gave her a little lecture about staying calm and behaving, and explained it would be just like me having my dental checkup. Nothing to worry about 😊 (yes, I know I'm becoming eccentric 😜). A few hours later I had a phone call to say that she had failed......... .but only on the windscreen wipers! It would cost under £20 to put her right and they could do it there and then as they had some wipers in stock. Phew 😓 The total cost was £68.37 and I'm officially roadworthy for another year. Such a relief.....
Oh, and they did a free health check on my battery for peace of mind. It's 90% so no worries there.
The staff at the garage are so lovely and never let me tip them in cash so I took a box of biscuits for them to enjoy with their mugs of tea. Sean was happy to accept those 😂 and I was happy to say a big thank you in that way.
As my Fox is now 14 years old I've splashed the cash from savings to pay for local recovery insurance for 12 months. £33.49 gives me a years worth of not worrying about breaking down anywhere. I don't travel far but would be able to summon help if I did break down. Well worth the cost, I think.
Do you have breakdown insurance?
Have you needed to use it recently?
Thanks so much for popping in and stay safe wherever you happen to be,
Angie ❤️
Now don't get too excited but I've just got my Christmas bonus from the government, a whole £10...... The sum hasn't changed in years. My mum and dad used to get the same amount and dad would have been 110 years old this year! Of course, it's not to be sniffed at. I joke about it because we are not desperate for money but some people are and it made me think about how I can do more to help others. I already shop at charity shops, as you know, as well as donate unwanted items to them but I want to do more.
With my own £10 (Gray has one too) I have:
The good news is that Graham is working! He applied for a job at a local garden centre and was offered the post immediately. It is still weekends only, at minimum wage, and just 10 hours per week and he seems to have been put to selling the fresh Christmas Trees despite his Horticultural expertise 😐 It might only be until the new year but it's extra money at just the right time. He is coming home knackered and filthy from the wet trees but it's a job....
I read on the internet this morning that MP's are still getting an annual heating allowance of thousands of £'s, including Rachel Reeves 😡 who is guilty of withdrawing help for pensioners, I don't know how they can live with themselves....
On Friday evening I had just had a lovely, relaxing bath and put on my PJ's ready to have a sandwich and watch TV when I took a phone call from my daughter. They had the sealant on the walk in shower replaced that morning and it wasn't dry. Could our Grandson come for a shower please? Well, as he is an apprentice welder and comes home filthy, of course we said yes. No problem. In the end our Granddaughter came for a hot bath too. It was a real treat for her as they had replaced their bath with a shower 😂 It ended up being a lovely family get together with hot drinks and me in my pyjamas. The things you do for family 😍
Stay safe and well wherever you happen to be,
Angie 💗
These lovely little lead crystal glasses caught my eye. They were handmade by Royal Brierley Crystal, where I worked for a couple of years, cut in the Bruce pattern. They would originally have been sherry glasses although drinks measures are now much bigger than they used to be so they are now perfect for liqueurs or a small port after dinner.....
On Tuesday evening there was a meeting at the Horticultural Guild that we joined last year. It was the annual members supper and quiz night and what a great night it turned out to be! The tickets were £5 each (the normal meeting fee is £3) and the cost included the quiz and a glass of wine. We all took food to share (our contribution being coleslaw, potato salad and crisps) and others provided sandwiches, quiche, sausage rolls, salad stuff, cheese straws, trifle and cake. My one glass of wine turned into two 😁 and Gray made coffee for himself and other drivers ☕☕ It was a really fun night of food, laughter, brain searching and chatting with new friends. There was a raffle at the end too. We didn't win either the quiz or raffle but it was the best £10 night out in years 👍 Sadly, the next meeting is not until February 2025, but the guest speaker is talking about bee keeping so we will look forward to that. 🐝🐝🐝
Who else loves bees?
Thanks for popping in and stay safe and well,
Angie ♥️
Yesterday was quite a productive day. I set out all the family presents on the kitchen table and thought......blimey....there's not much there. But, when I added it all up, the 4 members of our immediate family had got gifts to the value budgeted for and, indeed had gifts they would use, not tat 👀 It's just that everything is so expensive nowadays. I actually found I had far more wrapping paper than I needed. And tags. Drat I could have saved a bit of money there ....
Now there are the cards to be written another day. Most will be handed out if I can as the postage is extortionate. I have stamps left over from my Royal Mail survey days (I got paid in stamps) so I'll use those. I don't fancy buying more just to have Christmas themed stamps.
The younger kids in the extended family will have money tucked inside a card so I'll send those first class anyway if they can't be handed out.
I went online and ordered a book for my little Granddaughter in Australia as a surprise. She'll love it because I checked first with her dad what she is reading now. Hopefully she will get it this week.
All is in hand. Now I can just concentrate on the food /drink. I have £15 worth of Nectar points on my loyalty card and so does Graham, so that's £30 in total. That will be a big help.
Thanks for popping in and stay safe and well,
Angie ❤️
Can you tell I'm in the Christmas mood this morning? 😂 It's the first day of December and I'm planning on getting out the wrapping paper, cards and bows and wrapping up the family gifts. It's half price electricity today so from 11am I'll be popping in the washing too. I had a dreadful night's sleep on Friday night and woke yesterday morning feeling like a limp rag. I had no energy all day and felt like death warmed up. Last night was totally different and I've woken up refreshed and raring to go (luckily... because there's so much to do today!) I also want to give the flat surfaces in the bungalow a good clean so that I can arrange some Christmas stuff. There won't be much dusting done once all the decorations are laid out 👀
Do you bother taking everything off again to dust??
We don't bother with a big tree but I bought a small lit tree last year which fits nicely on the sideboard and the lights have a timer so, once it's set, it will switch itself on and off.
Right-oh.... it's 11am so I will begin!
Thanks for popping in and stay safe and well,
We are almost at the end of March and into proper Spring at last. As well as spring cleaning the bungalow I like to spring clean the fina...