Thursday, December 5, 2024

Tuesday Treat and a Quiz

 On Tuesday evening there was a meeting at the Horticultural Guild that we joined last year. It was the annual members supper and quiz night and what a great night it turned out to be! The tickets were £5 each (the normal meeting fee is £3) and the cost included the quiz and a glass of wine. We all took food to share (our contribution being coleslaw, potato salad and crisps) and others provided sandwiches, quiche, sausage rolls, salad stuff, cheese straws, trifle and cake. My one glass of wine turned into two 😁 and Gray made coffee for himself and other drivers ☕☕ It was a really fun night of food, laughter, brain searching and chatting with new friends. There was a raffle at the end too. We didn't win either the quiz or raffle but it was the best £10 night out in years 👍 Sadly, the next meeting is not until February 2025, but the guest speaker is talking about bee keeping so we will look forward to that. 🐝🐝🐝

Who else loves bees? 

Thanks for popping in and stay safe and well, 

Angie ♥️


  1. I would love a group like that near us, the garden group in our village is not so active, and as meeting are at night I don't want to drive into town.

    1. I understand, Marlene. Our meeting is at 7pm for 7.30pm but it's a short drive away and Graham drives as I struggle with night driving myself. It's a great little group and excursions to gardens are planned for next year.

  2. That sounds like a brilliant evening. Yes, I love bees. In fact I just bought Alan a garden gnome holding a skep, with a bee on it for our anniversary. So he's been christened Nobbee, as Alan's Navy nickname was Nobby. 😄 🐝🐝🐝

  3. Sounds like a good night out.
    We used to visit a bee keeper quite often with smallholders society always interesting but jolly complicated.

    1. It was a great evening. Looking forward to the bee evening now. I know nothing about bee keeping at all, but I do love honey 🍯

  4. It sounds like a wonderful evening. The bee keeping session is going to be very interesting.

    God bless.


75 Years in a Nutshell~ Part 2

 Thank you to everyone who commented on my last post.  I have really enjoyed reading about your own experiences 😊 Now I will continue.... 1...