Friday, December 6, 2024

Charity Shop Treasure

 Although I'm cutting my spending still further, I still like a good browse around the charity shops in the village...... 

These lovely little lead crystal glasses caught my eye.  They were handmade by Royal Brierley Crystal, where I worked for a couple of years, cut in the Bruce pattern. They would originally have been sherry glasses although drinks measures are now much bigger than they used to be so they are now perfect for liqueurs or a small port after dinner.....

I loved them at first sight. The cost? 50p each! They just had to come home with me 😉

After all..... I had just dropped off a bag of donations so there was plenty of room in my cupboard 😉😁

People don't seem to like crystal anymore. Is it because you can't put it in the dishwasher, I wonder?

Do you use yours?

Thanks for popping in and stay safe and well, 

Angie ♥️


  1. We don't use the few glasses we have, preferring to use a modern design, which can go in the dishwasher, we got rid of all our cheaper glasses and are using our 'best' ones, we know our kids won't want them.

  2. What an absolute bargain. I think they would be lovely with a little Baileys in them for a tasty nightcap. I am always drawn to sparkly glassware at this time of year and I have a few pieces. I tend to pop a nightlight in the sturdier ones so that the light makes them sparkle all the more.

    1. Ooh yes! Baileys would be lovely in them and I've never thought to put a tealight in one. I have some older whisky type ones which would be perfect. Thank you for the idea Sue :)

  3. I actually put crystal in the dishwasher and have never had any problems. Otherwise I would never use any of ours!

    1. I thought dishwashing them would make them cloudy but perhaps modern dishwasher tablets are gentler on crystal ??

  4. Those glasses are very pretty!

  5. I can remember eldest daughter being very dismissive over the size of the wine glasses we'd had for years- that was before I knew just how giagantic they were nowadays

    1. Seem to have an extra letter in gigantic - ne'er mind.

    2. Ne'er mind the spelling, Sue! I agree that measures today are enormous. I couldn't even manage to drink a large glass of wine as they are 250ml which is a third of a bottle!

  6. Love the glasses, my crystal has gone flying in the air more that once, DOGS, and landed safely so think they will survive in the dishwasher, not a problem for me as I don’t have one as I find it easier just to wash the dishes and let them drain, then hubby puts them away in the morning.

    1. Ouch to dogs knocking them over! Lucky you to have a useful hubby, Moira, mine never puts anything away at all which is why I really, REALLY wanted a dishwasher this time :) One job (putting away) is enough without washing them as well ;)


75 Years in a Nutshell~ Part 2

 Thank you to everyone who commented on my last post.  I have really enjoyed reading about your own experiences 😊 Now I will continue.... 1...