Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Almost There...Relax!


Almost there! Only one day to go!

Yesterday, I finished my ironing so that washing and ironing baskets will be totally empty for almost a week.  I'll be popping a bit of washing on during the Peak Save time on Sunday next, although it will probably just be towels.  I'll have extra because I always put small guest towels out for any visitors and my Granddaughter might enjoy a bath once she finishes work on Boxing Day and comes to join us πŸ˜‚ I must remind her to bring clean clothes !

Talking about clothes, I haven't bought anything new for Christmas.  We never go out to celebrate Christmas other than to our Daughter's house on Christmas Day and I have a new'ish jumper with stars on which will be fine.  I have succumbed to new underwear from M & S (one bra and a pack of knickers) so I'll be fine if I'm run over by a bus πŸ™„πŸ˜‚  When I was ironing I noticed how shabby some of my T shirts and PJ's are and Graham has actual HOLES in his PJ tops so I hope Santa has noticed and brings him a new one ! Gray has loads of day clothes he never wears so he'll be fine for another year.  Me, on the other hand, I wear everything I own all year round so might need to factor in a small clothing allowance for 2025. Watch this space!

Have you splashed the cash for new party clothes this year?

Thanks for popping in and stay safe and well wherever you happen to be,



  1. I'm bang up to date with all the washing, and my ironing basket is invisible so I don't have to worry about that. I don't iron anything ... it's not a magic basket. ;-)

    I did buy myself two new checked shirts at the end of November, one of them is red so I had earmarked to wear that all through December and on Christmas day, but Alan snaffled them and wrapped them up as a present for me. There's no parties planned so no party wear needed, Mavis has her Christmas jumper and her two 'ride-on' novelties, so she has been entertaining the care home staff and 'inmates' (Mum's term not mine) as she parades through to Mum's room.

    1. Oh how lovely! I am picturing lovely Mavis in her Christmas jumper parading up and down on the catwalk (or should that be dogwalk!) ...lol So happy for you that you could spend time with mum.
      Yay to no ironing! I wish I HAD got a magic basket!!!

  2. Merry Christmas from Australia! I enjoyed your previous blog (it was one of my favourites) and am glad you are back blogging again. Never commented before but wanted to say hello and welcome back. Cheers, Liz

    1. Thank you Liz! Merry Christmas to you too! Have a great time x

  3. I've a new jumper, mainly because daughters house is always very warm, nothing else. I have stopped getting my underwear from M&S, I have been using Asda and I'm happy they are lovely quality.

    1. I've never bought M & S knickers before but they were a pack of 5 for £12 and are really comfy. They took me by surprise a bit because I like Sloggis (which cost a fortune now!) but it was just convenient to try M & S ones this time. They are such a good price. Unfortunately we don't have Asda close by or I'd check them out.
      Merry Christmas Marlene!


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