Sunday, December 29, 2024

All Change, Feeling Saddened and a Challenge

I'm fed up with Christmas now and want to pack it all away until next year. Christmas day at our daughter's house was lovely. The meal was delicious and we left around 8.30pm to drive home in the fog and mizzle.

Boxing day here was a repeat but I cooked salmon instead of turkey. Our Granddaughter was working so there were just 5 of us. We took turns playing Connect 4 board game until 5pm when our Granddaughter arrived (she was supposed to let us know when she was on her way 😟), she was absolutely starving and very tired.  What ensued was a mad rush to put the oven on once again and prepare food, mainly ham baps, salad stuff and hot nibbles which everyone wolfed down..... mainly whilst standing 😳 not at all the quiet relaxing tea I had planned. Granddaughter then nodded off to sleep on the sofa draped in a blanket. She slept for almost an hour, took a shower, washed her hair, put on clean clothes and then drove herself and her brother home 😏

So much for a traditional get together. At least I got a big hug and a thank you from her.

I have a suspicion that next year might be completely different as I can feel a shift from traditions of the past, which I love, to the modern trend away from family gatherings now the kids are grown.  I felt quite saddened really which is why I want Christmas gone.  I think I need to pack away the decorations as soon as possible and move my thoughts on to plans for the new year.....

We won't be celebrating New Year as I usually like to go to bed early and wake up to a fresh new year quietly.....


I feel a challenge coming on 😁😎

Thanks for popping in.  I know how busy it is at this time of year. 

Stay safe and well wherever you happen to be.

Angie 💗


  1. Every Christmas used to be the same, now each one is different. So many have died but there are more small people.
    I'm trying to just go with the flow but I miss the 'old days'!

  2. Yes, the traditions of my own childhood - multigenerational gatherings and feasts are long gone. The final nail was lockdown; now it's just us two for Christmas, brief outdoor meetings with friends and relatives. Can't be helped, so we have learned to appreciate the new way.

    1. In a way, Kirsten, I rather fancy a quiet Christmas now. It's getting a bit manic and we find it harder to cope now.
      Happy New year!

  3. Nothing stays the same does it? Our traditions die out as they're not so appropriate nowadays, with families growing and scattered about the country. We just have to move on and create different traditions, I guess. I love the New Year - every year it feels so fresh and new and exciting. Looking forward to reading about your challenge!

    1. No it doesn't, does it. Oh well... I'm looking forward to the new year and whatever that brings.
      Happy New year Sooze!

  4. Christmas is very different for me now, we had big family gatherings, but as people have died or not had children, its become smaller. But we had a lovely day with daughter and beautiful food, and they bought us a year's membership to Chatsworth house and garden, so we've been today - it was FABULOUS! I can see many more outings there. Xx

    1. Oh wow, Gill, what a lovely gift! I'm so glad you had a good Christmas with your daughter too.
      Happy New year!

  5. Christmases are very different these days from how they used to be. I guess we just have to roll with it. I don't get to see any of the grand or great-grand kids, I usually just get a photo of whatever gift our money has bought them. My sons are usually busy with their partners families, although my youngest came to see us for a few hours on Boxing Day this year which was brilliant. They all work such long hours, that I guess their family time is very important to them at their own homes without the added stress of travelling or inviting anyone else.

  6. I can understand that. People do live such busy lives and I wouldn't want to pressure anyone. As a child we had small celebrations with just the 4 of us but it was lovely. Nowadays, our visitors come with phones in their hands, constantly pinging and surfing and there's no conversation! Sometimes I wonder why they come 🙄 The only conversation I get is with our Daughter. It does annoy me sometimes 😏

  7. I'm sorry the evening turned out to be so chaotic!


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