Sunday, December 22, 2024

Am I Ready? Are You Ready? 🎄


Three days to go until Christmas.  I can't believe the big day is almost here, its come round so fast but I am ready (I think) 😁

  1. Gifts have been bought and wrapped
  2. All cards have been sent or given in plenty of time
  3. I have extra food in the freezer, all bought within budget, pretty much
  4. I have bought bargain packs of veg and written a meal plan for the next week
  5. The huge swede has been microwaved whole and the flesh scooped out and frozen in  portions
  6. I have made bread and vegetable soup for lunch today with extra portions of soup cooling for tomorrow's lunch
  7. I have placed an online order for Monday delivery from Sainsburys (the last order for 2024)
  8. On Christmas eve our daughter is collecting my order of a side of salmon for us all on boxing day, along with her  Christmas day turkey 
  9. We have some wine, a few beers and plenty of soft drinks

 If Sainsburys deliver everything I ordered, then I AM DONE ✔  and can relax 😌 

All being well we will spend two days with the family, still sleeping at home though, and on Christmas Eve evening we will message our Son in Sydney to wish him a Happy Birthday, as Christmas day comes sooner there 😀 He has never forgiven me for my timing with his birth 🙄

In the new year we plan to have a low spend month for food and I'll let you know the details later.  There is always plenty of food left over after Christmas and we have Nectar  points to use instead of cash to top up anything we run out of.

Are you ready now?

Thanks for popping in and stay safe and well wherever you happen to be, 

Angie 💗


  1. You certainly sound ready!
    I used to write a timings plan for dinner on Christmas day when I was cooking for 12 but now I just hope for the best!

    1. Oh so did I, Sue, but I don't bother now there are just 6 of us for Boxing Day dinner. Tea will be a buffet of whatever I can lay my hands on from the fridge and freezer!

  2. Yes, all ready here, but then we're out for Christmas lunch at our friends', and there's only the 2 of us here anyway, so it's not like we have loads to do!

  3. Yes, we're ready, although we don't do much. The lockdown at Mum's care home has been lifted so we off for a visit today and will most likely be going again on Christmas Day for a couple of hours, meeting up with my brother there. My son and his girlfriend are coming on Boxing Day, but that will just be a plate of sandwiches and nibbles nothing dramatic. I guess this means that we will be having our Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve again. Just one year it would be nice to have it on the actual day. :-)

    1. I'm so happy for you and your mum today! Perhaps next year will be the one for Christmas dinner on the right day!
      Happy Christmas, Sue, enjoy each and every day of the hols :)

  4. Still some cards for the neighbours to go... and the clearing away, and then we're ready (ish)

    1. Sounds like you're almost done then!
      Have a very Happy Christmas!

  5. Present wrapping all done, cards written and sent. Need to pop to Aldi/Morrisons for salad stuff and other bits. New glasses to be collected on Christmas Eve, bet parking will be fun! Your son must have realised that babies come when they come, my granddaughter was due 1st March but Mum went into labour on Feb 29th, but managed to hang on until after midnight, so she actually arrived on her due date. Hugs Xx

    1. My Son was due on Boxing Day but arrived around 3am on Christmas Day. The fact that he was a bit of a local celebrity and had a write up in the local paper just didn't compensate!
      Have a very Happy Christmas Gill x

  6. It sounds like you are quite ready for Christmas, Angela. I still have quite a bit of gift wrapping and cards left to do. I am hoping to get that all done, today. But, I won't be seeing anyone until after Christmas, anyway, so, there is no sense of urgency!
    I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas and a very happy New Year.


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