Saturday, December 7, 2024

Storm Darragh, and a Heads Up

Eighteen days to Christmas and we have had a rough and stormy night.  The wind kept us both awake last night, howling and tossing the trees around with the rain lashing down.  

 We had laid the patio set flat in case the wind whipped it into the glass patio doors during the night.  Luckily, we have no damage at the moment, but the garden looks so bleak.  Little wonder that people feel down at this time of year.  I need colour in my life so I intend to put up our little tree today and fish out some pretty decorations.  That should help a little.  Our Son In Law always gets depressed at this time of year.  He is under stress at work and has, only this year, been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.  That is now under control but he seems to be having memory loss which the GP says is due to his diabetes.  I've never heard of that before but it's very worrying.  My poor daughter is trying to keep things on an even keel and cope with Christmas preparations as well.  I hope it doesn't take a toll on her own health.

Wales and the West coast of the UK were forecast to be the worst hit by the storm.  We are in the Heart of England but I have my phone on charge and torches ready.  A delivery driver has just dropped off a package and he said that there are floods and trees down all over our area. Parts of the UK had a warning alarm on their phones last night due to 'threat to life'. My heart goes out to people with power outages and storm damage.......

Have you been affected by the storm?

A quick 'heads up' looks like we may be in luck again this year with cheap veg for Christmas.  Sainsburys and Aldi will be offering packs of veg for 15p each from 19th December.  I daresay other supermarkets might follow suit but I sincerely hope that they are not all for loyalty card holders or App users 😡That would be so unfair on many people, including under 18's who aren't even allowed to have a loyalty card.....

That's it for now....
Stay safe and well wherever you happen to be,

Angie 💗


  1. I usually find I've needed carrots etc a week before the special Christmas offers!
    Just wet here in Suffolk and gloomy.
    Hope your SiL gets help for the type 2 side effects

    1. Thank you Sue. The worrying thing is that he can't have a blood test until 30th December so no treatment has begun. He's just been put on the list for counselling for depression. It's madness. He's only 57.

  2. Very sensible to lay your garden furniture flat, mine usually travel all around the garden and then somehow end up queueing up at my living room doors.

    I had never heard of memory loss being a side-effect of Type 2. So I have never linked that with Alan's diabetes diagnosis, which was when he was about the same age as your son-in-law. Alan's memory is getting really bad these days, I will be relieved when he finally retires as in our line of work having things right is imperative, luckily things go through many checks before they are passed.

    1. Oh gosh, Sue, maybe Alan has a similar side effect. I'd never heard of it before either so it came as a bit of a shock to be honest.

      I can understand you counting down the days to retirement, I think life is so stressful these days anyway.


75 Years in a Nutshell~ Part 2

 Thank you to everyone who commented on my last post.  I have really enjoyed reading about your own experiences 😊 Now I will continue.... 1...