Monday, December 9, 2024

The Dec's Are Up! And Storm Consequences


On Saturday, whilst Gray was at work, I put up the few decorations that I wanted to put up.  Not a massive effort, just small and simple but bright enough to give me a warm feeling of cosiness.....

I love this little tree.  The lights are on a timer so will switch on at around 3pm and go off at bedtime.  I won't have to do a thing πŸ˜„

I mentioned in yesterday's post that Graham has a new (temporary) job at a garden centre selling the Christmas trees.  Wow Saturday was awful.  Storm Darragh has done a lot of damage. The power went off, the ice rink was flooded, the little train wasn't working and Santa was in darkness 😒
Poor Gray couldn't feel his fingers or his feet by the time he got home and he was soaked through.  He had an immediate hot shower, a mug of tea and then a hot meal.  He warmed up just in time to go to bed with a hottie. 

 On Sunday he went in to help clean up and effect repairs. I made sure he was well layered up this time with 2 pairs of socks and a thermal top under his sweatshirt πŸ‘€

Stay safe and well wherever you happen to be,

Angie πŸ’—


  1. It doesn't take much to make a home feel Christmassy does it. Your little decorations are perfect.

    Poor Graham, I hope this temporary job doesn't end with him being in bed with flu for Christmas.

  2. Thank you Sue, it's just enough for me, that and a wreath on the front door.

    I thoughts exactly. He's stuck with selling Christmas trees right to the end so will be working outside for his 2 x 5hr shifts with no break for a hot drink. I make him up a small flask which he keeps in the car so that he can nip in and have a gulp of tea now and again. It's not ideal.

  3. Working outside in the weekends weather sounds awful and always hard to get warm again after getting so cold. Hope the rest of the weekends before Christmas aren't so bad

    1. Fingers crossed that they won't be 🀞It's the icy rain and sleet that's the problem isn't it. If it's dry he can at least stay warm if he's layered up.


75 Years in a Nutshell~ Part 3

 The Saga continues! .......... 2009 onwards In 2009 it became clear that self employment was not working.  It was getting harder and harder...