Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Snow and Treats

I'm writing this post at 7am whilst snuggled up in bed with a hot water bottle and IT IS SNOWING!! How decadent that feels! For once I have had a decent night's sleep and feel refreshed, but before I get up, dressed and face the day I thought I might tell you what we did last week.... 

On Friday we visited our favourite pub to indulge in a hot lunch from their 2 for £15 menu, roast turkey for Gray and broccoli cheese bake for me. They were both filling and delicious, eaten in a bright warm pub where there is always a warm welcome 😊 The drinks; a standard glass of red wine and a pint of shandy, came to £9.55.

When we ventured out we were surprised to find how chilly it was, just 5.5° C

Two days before that we were at the Wednesday Club in the village community centre.  It's held every other Wednesday during the afternoon and there is always a speaker. We've had talks as diverse as nature, hedgehogs, local glass production and ceramics, followed by a hot drink in a paper cup and a (wrapped) biscuit. All for the princely sum of £3 each 👍 The talk last week was by Dr Brian Dakin on Chas Grigg who, amongst many other things, illustrated the Dandy comics and who was responsible for many of the saucy seaside postcards of the past. Brian goes by the name of Billy Spakemon and his stories and songs were a strong testament to the struggles of local history. 

He was selling his book for £5 with the whole amount going to charity.  The event saw attendees a bit thin on the ground which was a shame..... 

If the snow thickens and sticks today I can't see us going anywhere but it won't matter. I can get some jobs done and our online food shopping is being delivered this afternoon too. I've ordered a bit extra because the farmers are protesting today and strikes could follow. Who knows 🤔

Thanks so much for dropping by, and stay safe and well, 
Angie ❤️


  1. That's such good value at your local pub. We sometimes go to our local(ish) carvery on weekdays - That's also really good value. Like you, we've had quite a lot of snow. I've been outside knocking it off the bushes as they were all sagging to the ground. It's bitterly cold out there though!!

    1. I'm hoping there's no more snow to come Mrs L H. I do worry about the Grandchildren getting to work and back safely.

  2. It's nice to have a treat of a lunch out isn't it, and of course it usually means that a sandwich is more than enough for the evening meal, well it is for me, Alan tends to have cheese and crackers.

    I have just had a naughty but cash saving home delivery from Waitrose and a nice chat with the delivery driver, only the second time I have done that for years, and I don't even have the excuse of snow, there's none whatsoever here, which surprised the driver.

    1. It is indeed, Sue, and we both just had a slice of toast in the evening as we were so full!
      I've never had a Waitrose delivery, mine is from Sainsburys. It saves us being tempted by unnecessary purchases instore as well as saving the carrying of heavy bags. It only costs £2 fir delivery and we save on petrol too, of course.


75 Years in a Nutshell ~ Part 1

I was awake early this morning , and it got me thinking about my life over the last 75 years and how we coped with the change of seasons to ...