Sunday, November 17, 2024

Frugal Sunday Doings...

 It's Sunday morning and in a few minutes time my half-price electricity slot will kick in.  from 11am until 4pm everything I use will be half price and I've been saving up the washing in order to take advantage of the lower price. I've just stripped the single bed and my to-do list today is as follows:

1) Washing (4 loads)

2) Tumble dry the cotton stuff and put the delicates on the airer in the sun streaming through the patio doors. It's sunny but too damp to peg stuff outside.

3) Put the bread maker on for a lovely crusty loaf

4) Meanwhile: Clean the bathroom, dust, vacuum...phew 😎 

5) Descale the kettle


6) I just discovered I have one egg left as well as a soft banana.  Ooh is that enough for a small banana bread???

Yesterday, I made a veggie hotpot with a crispy potato and cheese topping, which makes 4 good size portions. I'll re-heat the rest today in the microwave for a lovely easy, hot lunch.

Hopefully, after that lot I'll sleep well tonight!

How is your Sunday going?

Angie x

PS Please tell me if my Christmas countdown is annoying and I'll stop it.  I just LOVE Christmas 🎄🎄🎄


  1. Like you, I love Christmas! Today husband has put our outside lights up - nothing spectacular, just a few icicles hanging from the downstairs gutters. We won't light them until December but we're forecast snow this week, so as today's sunny, it's another job ticked off!!

  2. Ooh! lights! What a good idea to get them up now before the storms hit.

  3. I don't mind your Christmas Countdown but it's starting to make me panic!
    You've had a busy 'low electric 'day . Not keen on the forecast for next week - lot's of minus numbers - brrrrrrrrr

    1. I know, Sue.....brrrrr....I know we need frost to kill the bugs but I'm not keen on snow for any length of time :/

  4. One egg and one very soft banana really does equal banana bread, in fact in my home it's the law!! I just weigh the egg and then have the same weight of each of the flour sugar and butter, with a dash of vanilla. It works every time. I've recently started making the cakes in muffin liners, less time with the oven on and more of the crunchy topping to sponge ratio which I love.

    Keep going with the countdown, it's good to see. :-)

    1. Thanks for that, Sue, I knew you had written a post about your banana bread at some point but couldn't find it. I'll make it on Tuesday now. The weather is forecast to be 3 degrees and snow flurries. Just the day for baking and warming up the kitchen 😊👍

  5. I love it. Enjoy that banana bread. I plan to bake an apple cranberry cobbler.

  6. I made a spice cake today and now the house smells awesome. Christmas is arriving much too quickly. I don't think I am really ready for it.

    God bless.

    1. I love it when the house smells of baking. So scrumptious! Yes, Christmas is approaching fast Jackie.

  7. I like your Christmas countdown. You had a busy day on Sunday!


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