Friday, November 15, 2024

Explaining Our Discretionary Spending


Both Graham and I have our State Pensions paid into a joint current account to cover the cost of the Direct Debits for bills every month. This 'bare bones' budget covers all basic bills including food @ £55 per week, the running costs of the main car, the cost of two dental check ups each, annual TV licence etc, etc

In addition, Graham now has an allocated personal allowance which he has to use for petrol, garden or allotment spending, days out, and treats.  He is used to spending his earnings but he will have to rein himself in from now on!

I have a small Civil Service pension of £113.59 per month (£1363 per annum) which will be my own personal spending.  At the moment it covers the following:

Hair cuts 6 @ £28.00 = £168
Petrol £10.00 per month = £120
Running costs of car 2 =  £400
Birthday gifts (family) =  £150 

Total £838  

This will leave £525  ie £10 per week (roughly) for 'frivolous' spending.

Unfortunately, my lovely little car ( a Fox Urban) will be 14 years old next month and she is struggling to start right now.  I think the problem is an electrical fault and our friendly (cheap) mechanic /technician friend says it will be very difficult to track it down.  Foxy lady also has a headlight which is letting in water and spare parts are impossible to find.  He has already tried to help me out.  I have an MOT booked next month but I'm afraid it could be the end of the road for her. I know it will save me money to let her go but I will be very sad indeed if that is the case 😢

The good news is that any extra money that I can make throughout the year eg sales on eBay or working at the polling station next year, will be mine to keep 😊 

I'm quite excited about something.......

Can you tell what it is? 😍

Have a great weekend everyone,

Angie x


  1. It's handy you both have some extra cash, we all need a treat now and then.

    1. Indeed we do, Marlene. The last year or so has been so boring, bordering on depressing in fact because we were so focussed on saving for our safety net that we spent very little. I'm looking forward to relaxing a little and my £10 'frivolous spending' money will be spent with enjoyment!

  2. I like how you've allocated your discretionary spending. :)


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