Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Recovering from October Overspend

We went over the food budget massively in October.  The overspend was £57.99 👀 but I think it was because we actually had a 5 week month to cope with, so was, perhaps, forgivable. We were also fighting covid infections and eating whatever we could manage at the time.  In order to claw a little back and ensure we don't make the same mistake this month, we did a small physical shop today.....

This little lot actually provides 10 portions (ie 5 days worth of meals) as we don't mind eating the same meal 2 days running:

Quorn mince £2.50 £1.50 will make 4 portions of cottage pie,  

Some of the veg (head of broccolli, 2 carrots, 1 leek, 1 homegrown onion and some sliced potatoes) will make 4 portions of veggie hotpot with cheese topping (I already have cheese & stock)

Pizza with extra veg on top will make 2 portions,

In addition, the remaining leek and some more potatoes will provide 2 portions of soup for lunch.

The shopping came to £17.44.  The two things crossed off were a gift bag and a half price Christmas gift, both of which came out of discretionary spending.  Meals for the other 2 days will come out of the freezer.  I have a portion of beef stew for Graham, fish fingers and some Quorn escalopes which we both like, as well as some tinned goods like beans, salmon and chickpeas and salad stuff.

Drat...I forgot to photograph the water. I bought a pack of 12 x 500ml bottles of water @ £2.00 which I save for when we do actually venture out. I still have a cough and often need a drink when we are out of the house.  It's much cheaper to carry a bottle of chilled water with me than to buy one from a shop. The plastic bottles are recycled or sometimes used at the allotment on top of the canes as eye protection.

I found a couple of rashers of bacon in the freezer so tonight's meal will be essentially a breakfast! Bacon, eggs, baked beans (left over from yesterday) grilled tomato and toast.  Yummy!

Has anyone else overspent on food this month?

Angie x


  1. I'm being relatively good this month, thanks to 'the challenge that never was' and having lots of fish and vegetables from my Mum's freezer. We had to empty it at weekend ready for turning off, so me, Alan and my brother split the food three ways. It all helps to keep the budget on track doesn't it.

    1. Indeed it does, Sue, and why let good food go to waste. When mum went into care for the last 2 weeks I used to go to her house, which had been home to me since I was 2, and eat lunch from her fridge/freezer whilst sitting in my dad's old chair. It made me feel close to my mum even though she wasn't there and my dad had been gone many years before.


    2. You must have found that so comforting, and that would have been good to do, but sadly Mum's bungalow is over an hours drive away, on a motorway that's nearly always full of traffic jams meaning it takes us much longer. Oh, and her microwave doesn't like me and usually refuses to work. :-(

  2. I'm sorry you were down with Covid, but, glad you are on the mend now. You did great with your shopping and I really like your meal planning. I have a larger grocery budget this month (November) because I have money carried over from prior months. Which is helpful because my daughter is visiting and will be staying with me for the entire month (plus, we will be having Thanksgiving dinner, towards the end of the month). So far, I'm within budget.

    1. Thank you Bless. And how lovely to be having your daughter to stay! Have a wonderful time and enjoy Thanksgiving x


75 Years in a Nutshell~ Part 2

 Thank you to everyone who commented on my last post.  I have really enjoyed reading about your own experiences 😊 Now I will continue.... 1...