Sunday, January 26, 2025

Running Low & Eke-ing Out

 It's Sunday 26th January and we have six more days of meals to find before I can break into the February food budget.  Yesterday, Graham fancied steak for his main meal so spent £5.00 worth of his Nectar points on steak and two chicken portions.  I can't find his receipt but it cost:

£3.50 steak (small sirloin, thin cut)

£2.60 2 x chicken breast portions

£6.10 total 

£5 Nectar + £1.10 cash

I cooked the steak and served it with roast potatoes, brocolli, carrots, home grown sprouts, onion rings and yorkshire puddings, and I enjoyed a big plate of veg 👍

The chicken will be used for two more meals (4 portions) ....not sure what yet....fajita wraps maybe? Cooked and sliced with more veg?

For the forthcoming week I also have the makings of:

Cheese pie & baked beans

Quorn chilli and rice

Leftover Quorn curry

Eggs and chips

Pasta bake

The freezers are slowly emptying and by the end of the challenge I hope to defrost the garage freezer ready for re-stocking.  I've used up all the odd bits of leftovers and tiny bits left in their packaging and, in doing so, freed up a lot of storage boxes for future use.  It's been very satisfying 😊

Nectar points spent:  Graham £15.00     Angie £25.00

Boots points 565

Cash spent:  £93.08

Remaining:  £5 Nectar points and £6.92 cash


I'm also eke-ing out toiletries. I do have spares but want to make everything last as long as possible. We still seem to get through a ton of handwash (thanks to ingrained pandemic habits) and I make sure I use every drop....

My favourite cleanser is so expensive that I scrape every bit out of it by cutting off the top......

To reveal enough cleanser for several more days.....

I can't buy that on a whim now......

Right... I'm off do do some half price washing 👍

Thanks so much for popping in, stay safe wherever you happen to be,

Angie 💗


  1. I do wonder how many people throw away products because they can't get any more out of the containers, like you I cut them open.

    1. Exactly, even toothpaste tubes leave a lot inside when they appear to be empty. 😊

  2. Like you and Poppy I cut the tops of containers to get every little bit out. You are almost at the end of the month now so not long to go now. We're having pork chops found in the bottom of the freezer along with YS parsnips and green beans. Xx

    1. That sounds lovely, Gill, and very frugal. Next month I need to log purchases for the freezer in my book. I got out of the habit I'm ashamed to say so I found lots of things I didn't even know I had in there 😱

  3. All the things that I do. I am always amazed at the sheer amount of handcream and face cream left in those squeezy tubes when you cut them in half, especially when you have been struggling for days to get any out. I have never used liquid soaps though, although Alan does. I still prefer the old fashioned bar soaps. So much less plastic packaging and they last longer if you buy them and store them unwrapped completely for months before you get around to using them.

    I spent a lot of last year using up all my stash of little hotel soaps, shampoos, body washes etc that Alan had amassed over the years of staying in hotels for work. It is very satisfying to now mostly have just the things that I enjoy using that I have actually been given as gifts or bought for myself.

    1. I do use bar soap in the kitchen sometimes, especially when we are coming back from the allotment and want to give our hands a good scrub but it's a bit too messy in the bathroom for my liking. I didn't know about storing them unwrapped though. Another great tip...thank you Sue!

  4. Isn't it totally amazing how much more of a product there is once you cut it open?

    God bless.

    1. Absolutely, and what a waste to just throw the packaging away.


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