Friday, January 24, 2025

Oh, What a Night and Help!....I'm Running Out of Books!

 Gosh, last night was dreadful.  The rain lashed down and the wind blew a hooley all night long.  One of our neighbours had left her empty black wheely bin out at the collection point right outside our bungalow and the wind was having a field day with it.  Firstly, it blew around upright and then blew over with a crash and slid up and down the road all night.  I wasn't going to go out in my PJ's in the early hours to move it so I barely slept for the sounds of wind and crashes.  I finally dropped off around 5am so have had around 4 hours sleep 😟I was dreading opening the blinds this morning but, after a good look around outside, everything seems to be ok.  We are so lucky.  I do hope you are all ok with homes free from wind damage 🙏

I'm still second in the queue at the library for The Long Winter and have finished my Richard Osman book (thoroughly enjoyable) so I am now running out of reading matter 👀

I have plenty of books to re-read but really fancied something new.  Nothing in the charity shops caught my eye (mainly crime novels written by men) and a trip to the library didn't inspire me either.  When we went to the afternoon Wednesday club this week though, I spotted a book which I had never read as a child and just had to buy it from the donated book shelf........

It's in lovely condition and cost 25p (all money raised goes to the Community Centre funds)

It will appeal to the child in me and keep me going until my library book is in.

Someone mentioned Borrowbox, (Shoestring Jane, I think) which is a website from which you can borrow books to read on an ipad or tablet but I couldn't get it to work for me.  I tried to register but neither of my nearest libraries were listed on there. 

 Does anyone know of a similar enterprise I could try please?

Thanks so much for popping in.  Stay safe and well wherever you happen to be,

Angie 💗

Nectar points spent:  Graham £10.00     Angie £25.00

Boots points 565

Cash spent:  £91.98


  1. I'm reading The Spy Coast by Tess Gerritsen, it's brilliant,

  2. I must have read Anne of Green Gables over and over as a child, that and What Katy Did ... and of course What Katy Did Next. I used to only own a few books, but would get these out of the library over and over, so much so I almost wore them out and I was allowed to buy the well-thumbed copies for 6d each.

    I've just finished reading The Long Winter, it was very atmospheric starting it with snow on the ground here and then finishing it this morning with the storm blowing full force outside.

    1. I didn't read any of those. My authors of choice were Enid Blyton and Malcolm Saville, so I need to catch up with the three you've mentioned. I'm still waiting for a copy of The Long Winter. Still second in the queue ....

  3. Hi, I follow your blog and enjoy it. Re books your library probably has books that you can read online via with your tablet. I am currently reading a book Midnight at the Bright Ideas Bookstore, which my book club is reading, but instead of a physical copy I am reading a copy online via the library. The books that you can do that with are designated in a certain way on the library search system, your library could tell you how to search for them online what to look for. It opens up a lot more reading opportunities all for free. Having said all that I am in Canada but I am pretty positive your library system will have a similar system. We are about 20 below here Celsius, and lots of snow. Jean in Winnipeg.

    1. Hi Jean, and welcome :) I'll ask when I next visit the library I think and see if they offer something similar. Thanks for the tip:)
      Gosh -20C is COLD! We really mustn't grumble here at our weather but we always do! Stay warm Jean.

  4. I loved the Long Winter and the Richard Osman book. I'm 'between books' at the moment. Looking for my next read.

    1. I'm hoping to get The Long Winter very soon, otherwise it will be Spring here!

  5. I use a free site called Libby which has books and magazines to "borrow" online

  6. I've been reading our library's online books through a free app called Hoopla. Some libraries here have Libby. Hope you find a good book to read soon.

    1. Thank you, Bless, I've checked and we do have Libby!


75 Years in a Nutshell ~ Part 1

I was awake early this morning , and it got me thinking about my life over the last 75 years and how we coped with the change of seasons to ...