Thursday, January 30, 2025

Free Food (Almost) and The Bubble Wrap trick

We needed a TV guide for next week, and had run out of potatoes completely, even tinned ones so Graham's last £5 worth of Nectar points were required to top up. This is what we bought.... 


And this is what we spent.... 

We parted with just 42p in cash πŸ‘£5 Nectar points

Today is Thursday 30th January and I'm fairly confident that we will not need to buy anything else this month.  The garage freezer is switched off and defrosting ready for cleaning later today. The remaining frozen items have been squeezed into the kitchen freezer and I know what frozen food I have left!
I need to start as I mean to go on now and write everything down as it goes back into the clean freezer. I got very lazy and forgot to log things as they were put away which makes life very confusing when it comes to meal planning (or should I be trendy and say Reverse Meal Planning! 🀣)

Nectar points spent:  Graham £20.00     Angie £25.00

Boots points 565

Cash spent:  £93.50

We've eaten well and spent less than the £100 allocated.  In fact, there's £6.50 left so I'm therefore going to call this challenge a successπŸ‘


Regarding bubble wrap....Vivi from What Vivi Did Next on u-tube mentioned that someone had said that if you fill any free space within a freezer with bubble wrap it make it work more efficiently, so, whilst I'm slowly re-stocking, I'll try that, I think.

Thank you so much for following me this last month.  Stay safe and well wherever you happen to be,

Angie πŸ’—


  1. If you put a large box of teabags inside a plastic bag, that will also work to fill up your freezer space efficiently. [And free up space in your kitchen cupboard]

  2. Also toilet rolls and cornflakes as they are already in a plastic bag.

  3. Loaves also fill the space too, and you only need to take out what you require. Xx

  4. We put freezer blocks in. The sort you use at picnics

    1. I do have 3 large freezer packs to put in. Thank You :)

  5. I've heard of people filling gallon jugs with water and freezing them to take up space in the freezer. I only have the freezer that comes with the fridge and as it is self-defrosting, I never really empty it!
    You did well to stay under budget in January. I went over my January budget, but, I'll deduct that amount from my February budget and it should work out well enough.

    1. Self defrosting is so much easier isn't it Bless. At least February will be a shorter month!

  6. You did really well to stay under budget and as you are buying and cooking for the two of you that is even more impressive. I always used to fill the freezer with yellow-stickered bread products. If you double wrap them, they can last a few months very easily.

    1. Thanks Sue. Yes, I think I'll look out for some YS bread next time I go into store. I don't want to run a half empty freezer ;)


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