Wednesday, January 22, 2025

A Decision Made & Shopping Again

Today is 22nd January.  I had to make a decision this week.  Did I want to do another 'big' shop or wait until next week to do it?  I needed dishwasher tablets, tissues, kitchen roll etc and the Nectar points remaining wouldn't cover the cost so I did an online order.  I kept it to a minimum (min order value has to be £40) and the cost came in at £40.25  

It would have cost a bit more but my bread was out of stock 😒  but I now have yeast to make some myself.

The cauliflower is lovely and will be turned into cauliflower cheese, and I have a dozen brown eggs 😎to bake with and make omelettes, eggs and chips etc

That leaves £8.02 in cash and Graham's £10 in Nectar points.  It seems to have been a very long, cold month so far, but....the end is in sight!

Nectar points spent:  Graham £10.00     Angie £25.00

Boots points 565

Cash spent:  £91.98

Thanks for popping in.  Stay safe and well wherever you happen to be,

Angie πŸ’—


  1. There's something VERY satisfying about being just a smidge over the minimum spend isn't there. :-)

    1. Indeed there is Sue! It means that we still have a tiny bit of cash left too :)

  2. I have another Morrisons £5 off a £40 shop, so my list is geared towards loo roll, fabric softner, washing powder etc. Also I'm trying to eat out of the freezer, fridge and cupboards this month. Xx

    1. It's definitely worth taking advantage of Gill. £5 will buy your loo roll!

  3. I've mentioned this in prior comments, but, your groceries are so inexpensive compared to what I pay over here! A dozen eggs here cost $8.99 now, which comes out to £7.28 at today's exchange rate ($1 = £0.81)

    1. Our incomes tend to be lower here but, I do agree, that $8.99 for a dozen eggs is wickedly expensive. My free range eggs at £2.70 a dozen are a bargain and will make several meals as well as be useful for baking. Other food seems to be rising in price each time I shop. With increasing rent and energy prices too, my pension rise in April will barely cover the increases. It's very worrying Bless.....


75 Years in a Nutshell~ Part 2

 Thank you to everyone who commented on my last post.  I have really enjoyed reading about your own experiences 😊 Now I will continue.... 1...