Wednesday, January 22, 2025

A Decision Made & Shopping Again

Today is 22nd January.  I had to make a decision this week.  Did I want to do another 'big' shop or wait until next week to do it?  I needed dishwasher tablets, tissues, kitchen roll etc and the Nectar points remaining wouldn't cover the cost so I did an online order.  I kept it to a minimum (min order value has to be £40) and the cost came in at £40.25  

It would have cost a bit more but my bread was out of stock 😒  but I now have yeast to make some myself.

The cauliflower is lovely and will be turned into cauliflower cheese, and I have a dozen brown eggs 😎to bake with and make omelettes, eggs and chips etc

That leaves £8.02 in cash and Graham's £10 in Nectar points.  It seems to have been a very long, cold month so far, but....the end is in sight!

Nectar points spent:  Graham £10.00     Angie £25.00

Boots points 565

Cash spent:  £91.98

Thanks for popping in.  Stay safe and well wherever you happen to be,

Angie πŸ’—


  1. There's something VERY satisfying about being just a smidge over the minimum spend isn't there. :-)

  2. I have another Morrisons £5 off a £40 shop, so my list is geared towards loo roll, fabric softner, washing powder etc. Also I'm trying to eat out of the freezer, fridge and cupboards this month. Xx


A Decision Made & Shopping Again

Today is 22nd January.  I had to make a decision this week.  Did I want to do another 'big' shop or wait until next week to do it?  ...