Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Eating Frugally & Bargain Buys

Welcome  to 2025!

I can't believe that today is the first day of 2025.  A quarter of a century since the millennium  😱 How the blazes did that happen??? It's the first day of my shopping challenge too. 

On Monday, to start off our eating from stores challenge I rummaged in the garage freezer and found some pies which we had bought for pence from Sainsbury's on Christmas eve.  I thought I had photographed them but the pic has disappeared into space πŸ‘€

Anyway, there was a steak pie for Gray (reduced to 50p) and I had to abandon my principles and have a chicken and mushroom one (reduced to 35p)  To be fair, there was very little chicken in it, mainly mushrooms and white sauce.  I wouldn't normally buy these but the price had drawn me in.  There was also some carrot and potato mash costing 20p.  And I did manage to photograph that! ......

With the last 4 sprouts and the remaining petit pois from Boxing Day it turned into a decent meal, not very healthy really but tasty and absolutely frugal with the pies heated up in the air fryer and the mash microwaved.   This was mine.....

 On our Christmas Eve Sainsbury's trip we snapped up a lot of stuff which was heavily reduced and it will be making an appearance at some point this month.  All will be revealed but don't get too excited πŸ˜‚ I really wish now that I had written a garage freezer inventory because meals this month will be a bit of a lucky dip πŸ˜–

Day 2 (New Year's Eve)

Gray offered to cook lunch so I happily took up his offer......

I don't usually eat bacon but it was so crisp that I couldn't resist a couple of slices of streaky left over from the pigs in blankets, a poached egg (note to self: no more left so add to the shopping list) half a small tin of baked beans, mushrooms and a slice of toast.  It was deliciously filling 😜and that left homemade vegetable soup for our evening meal. Yum!

I weighed myself this morning and I haven't put on a single ounce over Christmas, thankfully.  It would be lovely if I could lose a few pounds over the month of January though.  I feel a bit podged so more fruit and veg and fewer carbs will be consumed if I can manage it within the challenge.

Thanks for popping in and stay safe and well wherever you happen to be.

Angie πŸ’—


  1. Happy New Year Angie. Love the look of your lunch, Funny though, I love the thought of bacon more than when I actually have it. I always feel really unhealthy and guilty afterwards. Doesn't stop me indulging at times though. It's so hot here in my little corner of Oz, so salads are the go at the moment. Cheers from Liz in Cranebrook in Oz.

    1. Ooh Liz, I love salads. They feel so much healthier when you've eaten them don't they. Graham isn't a fan so I often make a bit of salad to go with my own jacket potato. Usually, meat of any kind doesn't attract me but I need to use up the bits and pieces in the fridge and freezer, rather than waste them.
      Lucky you to have Summer right now, although I can't stand it too hot. I'm not easy to please am I!
      Happy 2025 Liz x

  2. Happy New Year, lucky you with the weight, I am delaying my trip to the scales in hope I can lose a few pounds.

    1. I really need to ditch a few pounds Marlene. I'm sure I would have more energy!
      Happy 2025 to you and your lovely family x

  3. Happy new year, I shall enjoy following your challenge

    1. Thank you, Kirsten, I hope 2025 will be a good year for you x

  4. You've made a really good start to your Challenge, after you've eaten a few things from the freezer you should have enough space to be able to have a good sort through and write out an inventory. Then you will be able to menu plan for the week ahead making good use of all that you have.

    I need to do this too as my freezer has been absolutely jam packed thanks to Alan's fridge breaking down just before Christmas, we had to freeze most of the big order he had put into Booths. Like you I have just been opening a drawer and taking out whatever was on top of my stuff, I have no idea what is buried beneath.

    1. Oh no! What a time to have a broken down fridge! Yes, you are right I need to have a good sort out once I can see a bit of space. I seem to have so many bits of things in bags and boxes and not a great quantity of anything in the small kitchen freezer. I'm tackling the garage one next!

      happy 2025 Sue x

  5. Happy New Year Angie and Graham πŸŽ† Good luck with your challenge, although you remind me of Sue from "Eating well and living less" and without a doubt I think you will achieve your goal for January 🀞

    1. I think me and Angie are cut from the same cloth. ;-)

    2. There's some truth there, Sue, although you are much more thorough in your planning and research than me!

    3. Thank you Manchester Lass! I do get a lot of inspiration from Sue's blog but she's much more thorough than me 😁

  6. Both those meals look good to me and I think you've made a good start to your challenge. I, too, need to eat from my freezer and pantry, this month, with minimal grocery shopping.


75 Years in a Nutshell~ Part 2

 Thank you to everyone who commented on my last post.  I have really enjoyed reading about your own experiences 😊 Now I will continue.... 1...