Friday, January 3, 2025

A Whole New Month

When I turned over the calendar I was met by a shockingly blank sheet of paper.  What to do with the month?  No idea yet. I'll begin by writing up birthdays, of which there are two this month.  Graham will be 75 on the 9th and my Brother-in-Law will be 85 on the 16th.  We have 2 club afternoons to go to in the next village along, and my haircut on 13th.

There...that's not so scary.....😊

I bought the £3 calendar from a local charity, Action Heart, so the illustrations are all local views.  January's photo is of Highgate Common which Gray and I used to visit in our youth as it was free!  We had very little money when we were 18 too.......

Maybe that's a place we could drive to now.  It's not all that far but I know that access is far more restricted now than when we were young.  We could drive our mini van right onto the common and walk up into the hills.  Sadly, not any more. How things change....

What sorts of thing did you do in your youth which you can't do now?

Right....let 2025 begin! 

Thanks for popping in.  Stay safe and well wherever you happen to be,
Angie 💗


  1. Wow, that is certainly a very different calendar. A very nice one though.

    God bless.

  2. My calendar soon filled up with things to do and places to be, oh for a blank page. That's a chilly looking photo on yours, mine is a windy one ... brrrr!!

    Oh yes, and Alan's birthday is a day before Graham's, he'll be 66 this year AND officially a pensioner, with his state pension due on the 8th February. Now he has to apply for his bus pass. :-)

  3. How exciting to fill in the blanks in a new calendar!


75 Years in a Nutshell~ Part 2

 Thank you to everyone who commented on my last post.  I have really enjoyed reading about your own experiences 😊 Now I will continue.... 1...