Saturday, January 4, 2025

First Book of 2025, A Bit of Colour & Crafting Mojo

I had received £10 birthday money in a card from my friend in November, which I hadn't spent, so just before Christmas I treated myself to the new Richard Osman book from the supermarket. I'd reserved it at the library but was still about 153rd in the queue and didn't want to wait a year or more to read it!  So I splurged £12 for my own copy and kept it back for the new year.  I read the first couple of chapters in bed last night and I really like it 😀

I'm a bit short of reading matter at the moment.  I've reserved The Long Winter at the library and am 3rd in the queue so might get that soon but other than that I will have to re-read books I already have.  The weather forecast is for snow this weekend so I will need something to read snuggled up on the sofa.....

It's was flipping freezing yesterday too.  We drove to our Daughter's house to collect something and it was 0.5C on the car display ❄❄
She made us a lovely mug of tea and offered us a pasta bake lunch.  How could we refuse?  It saved us cooking a meal at home last night and we had cheese toasties instead, using up the stale bread 😉

One thing that cheered us up yesterday was the sight of our Hellibores in flower.....

 I hope the frost doesn't ruin them..... 

I've really been neglecting my crafting over the last year.  I haven't made a single card, done any cross stitch, knitting or feltwork for the whole of 2023.  Not a bit of it and I'm beginning to feel the need to get creative again.  I hope to try some cardmaking today (Saturday) but it depends on whether or not Graham finds something to do by himself.  If I keep getting interrupted I will get frustrated and annoyed.  I really want to relax a to relax a bit....

Wish me luck!

Thanks for popping in. Stay safe and well wherever you happen to be,
Angie 💗


  1. I want to get some cards made soon, too. I'm pretty good at getting the Christmas cards made - it's birthdays, sympathy, thank etc which catch me out!

    1. I just haven't made... anything....and I usually love making Christmas cards.

  2. You wouldn't want to read the Long Winter in snowy weather - it would make things feel even colder!
    I gave up on Richard Osman after the first book in his other series - decided I don't like his style of writing. Out of curiosity I hopped onto the library website to see the waiting list here in Suffolk - 521!! but they do have 110 copies! Good thing I don't want to read it!
    Hope you get some crafting done, whichever you decide.

    1. Blimey, he is popular! I enjoy his tongue in cheek approach to writing and have read all of his books. Maybe I shouldn't be in a hurry to read The Long Winter then, with the weather we're currently having ❄️❄️

  3. I've given up on card making, but I kept all my stuff in hope grand daughter will love crafting.

  4. I loved We Solve Murders. It's a bit of what used to be called a Penny Dreadful back in the 1920s... inbthe style of 39 steps by John Buchan. Would make a wild, action packed and totally confusing tv serial... the Long Winter on audible was good.

    1. Yes, I'm enjoying it too. He has a unique writing style hasn't he 😊

  5. I have to admit to never having read Richard Osman, his books seem to be a bit 'Marmite', people either love them or hate them. Oh gosh, I can't imagine only having a few books available to read, I like to know there's a stash of every type just waiting for me. My large collection has been gathered over the years for just that purpose, although this year I am being ruthless at letting go any that I might not read a second time ... once I've read them of course. :-)

    1. Our 2 moves in 5 years meant that my books were severely curtailed. I really must get some more library books :)

  6. I've never read Richard Osman either - for no reason other than I just don't like him much! He may be a very good writer, for all I know! I love a cheese toastie, I'd be perfectly happy to have that as a main meal, with a gherkin or some olives on the side. Happy new year, Angie xx

  7. I have never read that author, and now will look him up. I am looking forward to seeing you crafting once again.

    God bless.


75 Years in a Nutshell~ Part 2

 Thank you to everyone who commented on my last post.  I have really enjoyed reading about your own experiences 😊 Now I will continue.... 1...