Saturday, January 18, 2025

A Little 'Free' Food

 As I had forgotten to buy tomatoes and also a TV guide for next week, we nipped into Sainsburys yesterday with me clutching my Nectar card containing £2.50 in spendable rewards.  This is what we bought....

After the Nectar points were deducted, it cost just 34p in cash and I've updated the total below. .....

Nectar points spent:  Graham £10.00     Angie £25.00

Boots points 565

Cash spent:  £51.73

Today has been absolutely freezing so Graham has been pottering in the garage with seeds and pots whilst I stayed in the warmth of the kitchen making soup and more flapjacks with the last of the dried fruit and golden syrup πŸ˜€  Tea tonight will be Quorn curry and rice with a single naan bread I found at the bottom of a freezer drawer πŸ‘And, yes, I can actually see the bottom now! πŸ‘€

Thanks for popping in.

Stay safe and well wherever you happen to be,

Angie πŸ’—


  1. You'd think it would be scary to see the bottom of the freezer drawer wouldn't you but I always find it quite invigorating as it means there is room for a bit of batch cooking and a really cheap restocking. Great purchases there for the grand sum of 34p spent. It's going well.

    1. Yes, Sue, it's a bit of a relief to be honest. There were so many bits of this and that to use up and now I have empty plastic tubs and re-useable bags galore.
      I hope by now that Alan's Smeg has been fixed and you have your own space back too!


75 Years in a Nutshell~ Part 2

 Thank you to everyone who commented on my last post.  I have really enjoyed reading about your own experiences 😊 Now I will continue.... 1...