Thursday, January 16, 2025

First Big Shop of January

Our first big shop of the year was delivered on 14th Jan and the cost came to £50.62  I had ordered protein in the shape of salmon fillets, Quorn pieces, eggs, cheese and some vegetarian stuff like Linda McCartney pies & spicy beanburgers, and some bacon.  I have lots of frozen veg left as well as some fresh carrots, a leek, Little Gem lettuce (which stays fresh for ages) and apples.  I now have the makings of meals for at least 9 days.  I know I could have saved a bit more but I'm paying for convenience eg

Bottled water 12 for £2.15 = 18p per bottle

I need to take a drink with me wherever we go and it's much cheaper to bring one from home than to pay upwards of £1 each from a shop.  The bottles get recycled, some used at the allotment....

The Nectar bonus points gained on this order have taken my remaining total to £2.92 meaning that I can spend another £2.50 next time I need a few bits.  The one thing I did forget to order was tomatoes so it might be spent on those. Graham still has £10 remaining on his account.

Nectar points spent:  Graham £10.00     Angie £22.50

Boots points 565

Cash spent:  £51.39

Already half way through the month so I think we're on track!

Stay safe and well wherever you happen to be,

Angie 💗


  1. That's a well rounded shopping list. With your careful use of everything it should keep you going for a while. Do you have a good supply of tins etc in your store cupboard still?

    I buy six small bottles of sparkling water about every six months, and then use them over and over again, refilling them from the larger more cost effective two litre bottles from Aldi. It means each refill costs me eight pence.

    1. Yes, Sue, I still have tins of veg, beans, potatoes, chopped tomatoes etc in the cupboard which will help.
      That's a jolly good idea to refill the small bottles a few times. I read somewhere that they should only be re-used a few times otherwise something leeches out into the water? but I'll give that a try. Thanks for the tip ;)

    2. As far as I'm aware, the problem with plastics leeching is when you wash or store hot water in the bottles. But that's why I use each small bottle for a month at a time and then recycle it.

  2. I take a reusable waterbottle with me. I've got a really clever one where the lid is a cup, so easy for taking pills when we are out.

    1. That sounds brilliant Kirsten. I do have a refillable bottle which is insulated and useful during the summer, but it's a metal one and I don't enjoy drinking from it. I also worry about keeping a sipper bottle clean so don't use that either :/

  3. I always take a water bottle out with me, I object to paying over a £1 for water. Another trip to Morrisons to use up a voucher, spend £40 and save £5. Managed to do it, spending £44, helped by OH spotting a YS box of Fosters for £9. Have a good week. Xx

    1. Trust OH to spot the YS Fosters! A typical man Well done on the savings though :) xx

  4. Thank you for sharing the grocery list with the items and prices. I am amazed at how inexpensive most of your groceries are, when compared to what I pay over here.


75 Years in a Nutshell~ Part 2

 Thank you to everyone who commented on my last post.  I have really enjoyed reading about your own experiences 😊 Now I will continue.... 1...