Tuesday, March 4, 2025

A Spring Walk & Blue Skies

Yesterday (Monday) was such a beautiful day that all chores were abandoned in favour of a walk in the sunshine.  We drove the short distance to Himley Park, parked up for the minimum time of 2 hours for £3 and set off on the woodland walk.  It was Gorgeous.  The sun was warm on our faces, daffodils were in bloom....

.....and pure white Snowdrops carpeted the ground beneath the trees....

The stream ran cool and clear......

....and we were so happy to see that damaged fallen trees had been left to nature....

We couldn't help but stop and admire the beautiful blue sky after the horrible, cold, wet weather we've been having.  The trees are still bare but showing tiny signs of life.....

Spring is definitely here!

After our walk we treated ourselves to a hot drink and a toasted teacake in the coffee shop there.  It cost £9.30 for the two of us but was such a treat. And we do like to contribute to the local economy if we can 😀😉

Have you ventured out this week?  What is the weather like in your locality?

This morning Graham has been giving the lawn it's first haircut of the year whilst I've tackled the basket of ironing.  Typically, the ancient strimmer has decided to give up the ghost so we'll need to investigate the cost of a replacement tonight. Ouch! money to be spent here I think 👀

Thanks so much for popping in.  Stay safe and well wherever you happen to be,

Angie 💗


  1. that looks a lovely day out, its my day off tomorrow so may take a small trip somewhere have just been local with the hound for the last few days.

  2. Doesn't a day in the sunshine in beautiful surroundings make such a difference!

    1. Absolutely, Kirsten, it really lifts the spirits :)

  3. The sunny blue skies are brilliant, but the cold nights still hold back our gardens. The spring bulbs are beautiful.

    1. Yes, Marlene, it's very cold at night for the plants isn't it. still....colour is beginning to appear :)

  4. The weather has been beautiful here in Derbyshire, lovely in the sun but chilly in the shade. I dried a load of washing outside and Miss Sheva spent time sunning herself on the garden bench. Only popped to The Range for bark chippings and lawn seed. Xx

    1. Mmm....doesn't washing smell lovely if it's dried outside Gill. I've only managed to peg stuff out once so far, but it did dry well :)

  5. Hi Angie, It's funny how you are looking forward to warmer days and down here in Oz I am hanging out for some cooler weather. I live in the hottest surburb in the Sydney metro area and loathe how hot and humid it is here. I am always saying I was born in the wrong continent! 😎 Cherrs from Liz

    1. Oh Liz....I don't think I could cope with hot and humid weather now. Our Son lives in Sydney and tells us how hot it can be :(
      It should cool off a bit for you soon, I hope.


A Spring Walk & Blue Skies

Yesterday (Monday) was such a beautiful day that all chores were abandoned in favour of a walk in the sunshine.  We drove the short distance...