Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Back to Plan A Unfortunately.........

 I didn't think I'd be saying this so soon but Graham is no longer working.......again.

The garden centre took on a 16 year old lad a couple of weeks ago in the same department, and on Sunday Gray was told he was no longer required.  Now, as Gray was on minimum wage of £11.44 per hr and the lad is on the under 18's wage of £6.40 per hr, I think that says it all 😢

 'Nuff said....

So we are back to plan A and another financial re-jig.  I think I will hang onto my car for another year as planned, then let it go.  Its not really worth much money, so if I sold it now there wouldn't be an awful lot to put in the bank.  It would be counter productive.  Oh well, best laid plans and all that.......

Our energy supplier, British Gas, has sent me an email asking if I want to participate in a Green Flex Saver event tonight.  Can a duck swim? 😃  So, yes, tonight between 9pm and 11pm we will get half price electricity which means: half price TV drama, half price mugs of tea, half price load of washing, and half price dishwashing ! Yay! In the words of a famous supermarket 'every little helps' 😁

Thanks for popping in and stay safe and well wherever you happen to be, 

Angie 💗


  1. What an annoying thing to happen . Hope you can re-organise finances to cope.

  2. Fingers crossed for the next opportunity...

  3. Sadly it's the way of the world at the moment isn't it, but they may regret their choice to let Graham go rather than the young lad, if his work ethic is like a lot of lads his age!!

    I should imagine you, or at least your electricals will be very busy between 9 and 11pm tonight. 😄

    1. I'm afraid it is, Sue. The young lad is nice enough but he has no intention to stay on at the job. He wants to go to college and train to be a mechanic. Where my Granddaughter works ( retail sports) she says the 16 and 17 yr olds often don't turn up because they're hung over and refuse to do late shifts because they have planned to go out!

      Yes, Sue, my electricals were definitely buzzing for 2 hours last night!! :)

  4. Surely that's illegal, and I bet when the 16 year old gets to 18, he'll get order of the boot too. Its been a very expensive day today, with a filling for me £68, no NHS dentists where we live now, then a new brake light and wiper blades for my little Fiesta. At least we have the funds. Hope Graham finds something else soon. Xx

    1. Unfortunately, Graham only had a 3 month probationary contract with a clause that he could be finished at any time without notice being given. The young lad has no intention of staying on after the new year either. He wants to be a mechanic. The company will be back to searching for staff again in no time.

      Ouch to your dental bill :/ I know it's hard to get NHS treatment in many areas now and it's never cheap....

      Thank you for your good wishes Gill x

  5. Sorry to read about this. Keeping my fingers crossed that a new and better opportunity arises.

    God bless.


75 Years in a Nutshell~ Part 3

 The Saga continues! .......... 2009 onwards In 2009 it became clear that self employment was not working.  It was getting harder and harder...