Saturday, November 9, 2024

A Pensioner Revived!

 A year ago I stopped blogging on Small Treasures.  There were a number of reasons, but family health issues, financial stresses and world affairs were deciding factors in my decision.  I simply had to step back and huddle in a metaphorical corner until I could cope once more.  It has been a tough year but I'm feeling more in control of my mental health now.  Graham and I are both recovering from our first bout of Covid too.  It hit Gray harder than me but we're gradually regaining our strength.

I don't want this new blog to be a pity party though.  I want it to be uplifting, friendly and encouraging!

The Positives:

Our Grandchildren are now 20 and 17 and both in fulltime jobs;  the 20 year old in retail and the 17 year old is an apprentice welder.  They are doing well (apart from the 17 year old setting his trousers on fire at work! but that's another story!)
The main thing is that they are both decent human beings....

Although finances for us are tight, especially with losing the Winter Fuel Allowance this winter, we can still afford to put the heating on when it gets cold at night and we can eat well on our pensions (the old Basic State pension 😟) if I'm frugal when shopping and food planning.

Over the last 3 years since moving to the bungalow, we have scrimped, sold things and saved to put enough money aside for a whole years worth of bills money.  If anything happens to either of us now we will have a minimum of a year to decide what to do ie move or stay put, depending on how much the rent increases in that time.  It's a huge relief to have that safety net....

The Plan:

On 1st November I reached the ripe old age of 75 and I want to stop hibernating and get a bit of fun before I get too old to enjoy it.  I know we can't take holidays any more but I would like more days out which are low cost/free.

May I share them with you?
Angie x


  1. Welcome back! What a brilliant safety net to have, very well done, that must be a huge relief for you both. Taking holidays will be difficult for us now too but, like you, we hope to have more days out whilst we still can. And yes please do share with us!

  2. So happy to see you back, PP. Congratulations on saving all that money. I am so impressed. Sorry to hear you both had Covid.

  3. Lovely to see you back. I've managed to find a cheap "holiday" by dog sitting two border terriers.

    1. Thank you! Dog sitting sounds like a brilliant idea if you have an affinity with dogs. Unfortunately, I'm quite scared of them so it wouldn't work for us.

  4. Great to see you back, looking forward to more post from you.

  5. So happy to see a post from you. What a great safety net you have managed to accumulate. Yes, please do share any outings you go on.

    God bless.

  6. Welcome back Angie, it's lovely that you can blog again and be a part of the blogging family from both sides of the comment section. ❤️

    Yes, of course you can share your days out with us, it would be brilliant. My days out have been few and far between this year with one thing and another, so tagging along on yours with a coffee in my hand would be lovely.

    1. Thank you, Sue, I hope you will have a much better time of things going forward too 😊

  7. I've just realized that you have a new blog! Looking forward to catching up on your news. Happy belated birthday!

  8. I was a "lurker" on your previous blog, which I enjoyed reading. I’m not sure I ever commented, I rarely do in blogs I read. But I’m pleased to see you back again. Luckily you mentioned it on another blog I follow!


A Confidence Boost, A Lovely Weekend and a Sell & Save Challenge .....

 I mentioned in a previous post that I have been donating my handmade cards   to a charity shop for them to sell and that they didn't se...