Monday, March 24, 2025

How To Make a Scarier Scarecrow.....

 How do you make a scarecrow scarier? Simple.....

......just add a face!

When our Daughter came to visit on Thursday, the sun was shining so we took the opportunity to go into the garden  and try to make a scarecrow for the allotment.  It was a bit tricky.  Straw ended up everywhere, to the delight of the birds! but the result wasn't too bad for a first attempt.  Graham said we ought to enlarge a photo of my face, laminate it, and put it on the scarecrow to make it scarier 😂  What a cheek!

Seeds are being sown, plantlets nurtured, potatoes have been planted, broad beans are in the ground under cloches, and the rhubarb will soon have some edible stems.  It's SPRING ! 

What are you planning to grow this year?  Pots or garden produce? Flowers?


Thank you to everyone who has commented on my last post.  I'm sorry I don't always find time to reply but I'll respond when I have a moment.

Thanks so much for popping in.  Stay safe and well wherever you happen to be,

Angie 💗


  1. The growing season has started, my greenhouse is full of tiny plants, and the raised beds are ready, just need to hold fire for a couple of weeks, I love this time of year.

  2. You could all take it in turns to stand behind the scarecrow, just like in the photo, and give the birds something to puzzle over ... it's a very good scarecrow!!

    My rhubarb is just starting to peep through the soil, the radish seedlings have gone berserk and my kale and courgettes have just popped their heads up overnight. I might have a pot or two of potatoes this year, but everything else will be in the vegetable raised bed. The other longer raised bed is now full of daffodils and perennials and looking very pretty.

    Colour and food what more can you ask from a little garden.

  3. Fabulous scarecrow and hope it die the trick.

  4. I'd have replied no we'll use your photo instead! As our new garden is so small, we are just going to grow a few tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce and herbs and I've already planted some strawberries in some fence mounted pots. Hopefully off to Buxton for a day trip on Wednesday (weather permitting). Xx

  5. What a wonderful scarecrow. You both did an awesome job of it.

    God bless.

  6. That does make it scarier. Wow! And funny too.

    Not sure what I'll plant this year. I do love to grow sprouts in doors.


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