Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Sell and Save for an Expensive Year

 2025 will be an expensive year for us.  We have several BIG birthdays coming up;  DD will be 50 in March, Grandson 18 in July and Granddaughter 21 in September.  Where have all the flippin' years gone?  My lovely little Grandchildren all grown up? 

I now need to knuckle down and raise some cash for decent gifts for them.  We could use some savings but I'd rather not spend our hard earned savings just yet.  To this end I'm going to do a Sell & Save with the aim of raising £150 for 3 gifts. That would top up our gift budget sufficiently, I think.  I know £50 each isn't a lot but they never expect us to spend massively on them anyway.  Our usual birthday budget is £30 each so I'm hoping that a max of £80 each should buy a decent gift........

I've had a good rummage around in boxes and under the bed and I've listed a few things on eBay to begin with.  I might have to take a look in the garage next and wrest  persuade Graham to part with a couple of things 😁

Here goes....

Sell & Save £0.00

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and that you are all safe and well, Take care,

Angie 💗


  1. It's good to set budgets for gifts. We usually give £50 per birthday or Christmas to our Grand and Great-Grandchildren, with the idea that the little ones money can be used partly for a gift for them and the rest towards clothes or their party. They then each get a one off £100 when they reach 18 and then a final birthday gift of £250 when they reach 21 ... and then it stops. Thank goodness. ;-)

    Good luck with your Sell and Save, it sounds like a really good plan.

    1. You give generous gifts Sue! It looks like you have developed a system which works very well for your family :) It's so easy to feel obliged to carry on giving sometimes but, luckily, we're down to just a few family members by mutual agreement :)

  2. Present buying for Grandchildren becomes more expensive the older they get I've found and the eldest two are still only 8!

    1. Oh dear, Sue, I know what you mean. Luckily, we've reached a good compromise with other family members!

  3. It's an expensive job for sure! We have 6 grandchildren. We have birthdays on every month of the year now for everyone - 3 in September!!

  4. Our granddaughter is coming up to her 9th birthday and is already set on certain fashions. For great nieces and nephews we give them a tenner until they are 18 for Christmas and birthday, splash out for the 18th, then stop. Good luck with your selling. Xx

    1. That's a very good idea, Gill, Thank you for your good wishes"

  5. Yes, we stopped giving to grandchildren on their 18th birthdays too, especially since they were in well-paying jobs.

    1. Indeed, Sooze, they seem to have much more disposable income than we do!

  6. Hope you do well with the sell and save project. :)


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