Friday, January 10, 2025

Free Toiletries From Boots....

I needed bubble bath and was also running out of handwash so took a trip to Boots in the next village in order to use my points.......

Bubble bath was 300 points

Carex Handwash 140 points

Dove Handwash 125 points 

Therefore 565 points used (59 left)

It was the ideal opportunity to pop into my favourite Hospice charity shop and ask if they wanted to take some of my handmade cards to sell. The manager was very enthusiastic and I've promised to make a selection and pop them in for him to see.  If he likes them, I'll donate as many as I have time to make this year.  That will be my new project!

We are still on track for a low food spend in January.  As the aim is to spend no more than £100 in cash , and I still have food in the fridge & freezer, I aim to have a Sainsbury's delivery of staples and fresh stuff next week.  The cap has been set at £50 for this order, which will leave another £50 max at the end of the month if we need it.

Graham also had over £8 in Nectar points left after the first shop, and they have gifted him another 250 FREE points worth £1.25 via the App, so he now has another lovely £10 to spend during the month 😁 This will come in handy week after next for topping up 👍

Nectar points spent:  Graham £10.00     Angie £22.50

Boots points 565

Cash spent:  77p

Thanks for popping in.  Stay safe and well wherever you happen to be,

Angie 💗


  1. You certainly make use of those points. I feel I'm missing out as I don't shop anywhere that gives away anything! or it maybe because I don't have apps and cards for anywhere I do go

    1. You do have to manipulate the cards to get extra points and take up the offers. In a way, I feel it's a bit unfair to others to have special prices but I have to trade my anonymity for points. I don't really like Apps, Sue, and don't use them apart from the Sainsburys one.

  2. I've stopped using Boots, we have a Super drug in our village, so I save their points, I got a bottle of perfume at half price, £30, used £20 of points and only paid £10

    1. That was a bargain, Marlene. With Boots you have to pay the whole amount in points and can't part-pay in cash. Well done you!

  3. You got some great deals. It always feels good to stock up on toiletries and bathroom essentials.

    1. Oh, Stephenie, I'm so pleased to see that you are safe. My thoughts have been with you and the people of LA ever since the news appeared on TV.

  4. A brilliant use of your Boots points. Me and Alan were chatting about freebies and Apps etc only this morning, and I said I would download as many as I can in the run up to him being properly retired in the coming months, and me having such a limited budget this year until my state pension begins next year. I've also told him that he HAS to apply for his free bus pass now that he's old enough to qualify. :-)

    1. Oh Yes! The free bus pass is a must. It pays to get whatever you can in offers too, although I don't really like Apps. We don't have an Aldi, Lidl, Tesco or Asda close enough to bother with so I don't have theirs. Please tell Alan that it's his Civic Duty to get a bus pass, use 'em or lose 'em!


75 Years in a Nutshell~ Part 2

 Thank you to everyone who commented on my last post.  I have really enjoyed reading about your own experiences 😊 Now I will continue.... 1...